A senior solicitor from our Dispute Resolution team talks about different methods used to mediate disputes.
Stephen Fallon, a senior solicitor in our Dispute Resolution team, explains that many cases can be resolved before reaching court.
Yes, there are other ways to meditate, and the courts will encourage parties to mediate throughout the dispute via various methods be it written offers, or an actual without prejudice meeting, which can either be face to face between parties or with a mediator involved, and parties who don’t actively engage in those sorts of settlement procedures throughout the case can be penalised on costs at the end of the dispute, even if they win.
Unfortunately, not all disputes can be resolved through mediation. In our recent case study, Newtons were instructed after parties were unable to settle their differences after five years of discussions. Learn how Newtons handled the high-value and complex dispute to achieve a multimillion-pound settlement in a long-running family company dispute.
See part one of this video, ‘Can Disputes Be Resolved Through Mediation?‘ over on our blog, or learn more about alternative dispute resolution in family matters. If you would like any legal advice or assistance with disputes, please get in touch today and speak to our Disputes Law team for more information.