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Newtons Solicitors: Just Like You

Posted: 11th November 2022
Written by: Mark Jones

Newtons solicitor wearing a suit, tie and glasses, talking through a legal document with a client .

In this article, Senior Solicitor and Director Mark Jones shares his take on what makes Newtons Solicitors stand out from the crowd. 



A few days ago I happened to watch a television programme on Channel 4 called Educating Greater Manchester. You may have seen it. It is a documentary series chronicling daily life in an average comprehensive school.

This particular episode was focusing on the process for choosing a new head girl and a new head boy. The final four candidates were taking part in a presidential-style debate in front of their fellow Year Ten students before they voted to choose who should get each job. In the final question from a member of the audience each of the candidates was asked “if you had to sum yourself up in just three words, what would those words be?”.

The first three candidates came up with words such as “ambitious”, “determined” and “hard-working” (which is arguably two words). When the fourth candidate was asked for her answer, she replied that if she had to sum herself up in three words they would be “just like you”.

As well as being quite impressed that a fifteen-year-old could come up with that answer (with apologies for patronising any fifteen-year-olds who happen to read this), it struck a chord with me because it would be a very good description of Newtons. Other law firms will try to impress you with their technical knowledge, legal expertise and experience but we think that those things should come as a given. We believe that what makes Newtons stand out from the crowd is that we are a law firm which is just like you.

What should you expect from Newtons Solicitors?

We are normal people and we live in your world. We understand and share your daily pressures and concerns. We recognise that each client is an individual and we take the time to get to know you and to understand your life.

We will not bamboozle you with legal jargon, we speak your language. We understand that when you come to us you want a problem solved and peace of mind, and we make things as simple as possible so that you can get on with daily life and enjoying the things that really matter.

Perhaps one day the new head girl of the Manchester comprehensive school will come to work for us. She would fit in well here.


Get in touch

We have offices based in towns across Yorkshire and the North East to ensure our services are accessible and local. Whether for a business or personal legal matter, if you need the services of a trusted solicitor, please do not hesitate to contact us at Newtons.