Newtons Solicitors Sitemap
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News and Opinions
- ‘No-Blame’ Divorce: Law to Change on 6th April 2022
- 34 Illegal Things to do While Driving
- 40 year high for divorce among over 50’s
- A Guide to Commercial Lease Renewal
- A Guide to Selling Land to Developers
- A Newtons Christmas Carol
- A Professional Guide to Dismissals
- ACAS Early Conciliation: What Employers Need to Know
- ActionCOACH’s Mike Moss Interviews Chris Newton About Starting Newtons Solicitors
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Options in Family Matters
- Annulment vs Divorce
- Attending court for a driving offence
- Be Prepared to Avoid Delay
- Big turn out signals successful future for Darlington Professionals Dinner
- Boost for Newtons commercial property team with plans for a new office in West Yorkshire
- Buyers Guide to Buying a Business
- Can an Employee be Forced to Retire?
- Can I Change My Child´s Surname Without My Ex-Partner´s Consent?
- Can I Relocate With My Child After Divorce?
- Can I secretly monitor my employees?
- Can Scotland Veto Brexit?
- Can you be sued for posting on Facebook?
- Changes to Probate Fee Structure
- Changing Values: Keeping Your Will Up to Date
- Claims of Unfair Prejudice Against Shareholders
- Commercial Forfeiture of Lease
- Common Driving Offences and Penalties Explained
- Company Law Update – New Company Register from 6 April 2016
- Conscious Uncoupling – A New Divorce Trend?
- Contact Arrangements
- Contracts – saying what you mean by James Towler
- Conveyancing Quality Scheme Accreditation Explained
- Copyright: so much information, so little protection…. or is there?
- Costs budgets and court deadlines – the new approach by Stephen Fallon
- Different Types of Personal Injury Claims
- Divorce and finances, as featured in Review Ripon
- Divorce Myths Expelled
- Divorced women miss out on £5 billion a year in pensions
- Do I Need a Solicitor for Divorce?
- Do I Need An Exceptional Hardship Solicitor?
- Do I Need My Ex-Partner’s Permission to Take My Child Abroad?
- Do Step Parents Have Any Legal Rights After Divorce?
- Do You Have to Share Inheritance in Divorce?
- Does Christmas affect relationships?
- Drug Driving Offences
- Employee Rights in Insolvency
- Employment Law Advice For Employers
- Employment Law Changes 2016
- Employment law changes from TODAY
- Employment Law News from Newtons Solicitors
- Employment Law News from Newtons Solicitors – June 2014
- Employment Law Newsletter – April 2014
- Employment Law- February 2014
- Fast-growing Newtons Solicitors expands again with acquisition of Stokesley firm
- Fixed Fee telephone consultations available
- Freehold vs Leasehold Properties in the UK
- From Employed to Self Employed
- Further Business Growth Planned by Newtons After Gaining ABS Status
- GDPR – 100 days to go – Is your business ready?
- Guide to Buying Commercial Property
- Guide to Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)
- Guide to New Inheritance Tax Laws in 2022
- Happy 10th Birthday to Newtons
- Holiday pay changes – what every employer needs to know
- Holiday Pay: New rules from TODAY
- How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce in Scotland
- How Do You Value Intellectual Property?
- How Long After a Divorce Can You Claim Assets in the UK?
- How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce?
- How Many Personal Injury Claims Go to Court?
- How Much Are Child Maintenance Payments?
- How Much Does a Commercial Lease Cost in the UK?
- How To Avoid a Driving Ban
- How to Claim Against an Estate
- How to Dismiss an Employee Fairly
- How to Finance Commercial Property
- How to handle National Sickie Day
- How to Recover Unpaid Invoices
- How Will the End of the Eviction Ban in England Affect Private Tenants?
- Husband and Wife Legal Entrepreneurs Acquire North East Practice
- If you are considering Equity Release get some independent help and guidance.
- Increase in Probate Fees.
- Infographic: The Changing State of Employment In The UK 2014
- Is a DIY Divorce Worth It?
- Is a Negative Online Review Considered Defamation?
- Is It Illegal to Have Workplace Relationships in the UK?
- Is Online Divorce Just a Click Away?
- It takes two
- It’s Not Just About the Advice
- Lasting Power of Attorney for Business
- Lasting Powers of Attorney – FAQ
- Law Society president visits fast-growing Yorkshire law firm on fact-finding mission
- Lease Extensions – A Brief Guide
- LISTEN: Abigail Noone talks to Stray FM about contesting a will
- Listen: Bill Neville discusses care home fees and how you can protect your inheritance and property.
- Listen: Click and Collect Divorce? Julie Fawcett, Senior Solicitor, talks to Stray FM
- Listen: Divorce: The Blame Game? Julie Fawcett, Senior Solicitor, talks to Stray FM
- LISTEN: GDPR – Myths….busted! Claire Armer talks to Beth Parsons on Stray FM’s Business Hub
- Listen: Hayley Edwards discusses changes in divorce ruling
- Listen: How to Protect Your Business in a Divorce
- Listen: Malcolm Jones Discusses Balancing Business and Family Life
- Listen: Oliver Hebdon talks to Stray FM about the recent decision by the Supreme Court ruling that employment tribunal fees are ‘unlawful’
- Listen: Paul Hargreaves talks to Stray FM after Uber denied licence to operate in London
- LISTEN: Social media – what if someone writes something negative, untrue or damaging about you?
- Listen: Students from St Aidan’s cross examine Alex Thompson on a legal career. Stray FM
- Listen: The Impact of an Ageing Population on Social Care
- Listen: The large scale insolvency of Carillion is in the news. Andrew Cawkwell, Insolvency Solicitor at Newtons talks to Stray FM about the potential losses in the supply chain
- Listen: Top 5 Legal Tips If You’re Moving House
- LISTEN: What can you do if your business is in financial distress – Andrew Cawkwell talks to Stray FM
- Listen: What is cohabiting? What should you be aware of if you cohabit? Julie Fawcett, senior solicitor, talks to Stray FM
- Living in a Leasehold Property where the clock is ticking on the lease?
- Living Together During Separation
- Looking to Buy or Sell A Business?
- LPAs – Lasting Powers of Attorney, Who Needs Them and Why?
- LPAs – Why are they so important?
- Major Insolvency Law Reforms
- Managing Workplace Absence
- Marmite Gate: Discussing Contract and Commercial Law with Newtons
- Mergers to make Newtons Solicitors one firm as foundation for further growth
- Moving House with your Children
- National Minimum Wage changes from 1st October 2014
- Negotiating a Divorce Financial Settlement
- NEWS: Appointment of Kathryn Hargreaves extends Newtons Commercial Property Team
- NEWS: Brexit and what it may mean for employment
- News: Budget – Stamp duty abolished for first time buyers of properties up to £300k
- NEWS: Divorcees entitlement to share ex-husband’s wealth – new ruling
- NEWS: Employment Tribunal fees now open to everyone
- NEWS: Ministry of Justice announce a refund scheme for Lasting and Enduring Power of Attorney registration fees paid
- News: Newtons appointed to Santander Corporate and Commercial panel
- NEWS: Newtons Notary Public, Joanne Cowie, involved in the provision of wide ranging notarial services to R & R Ice Cream plc
- NEWS: Newtons, David Kirkman achieves accreditation as a specialist family lawyer
- NEWS: Speeding fines increased
- NEWS: Tougher penalties for driving and using mobile phones
- NEWS: Tour de Yorkshire window display
- NEWS: What is a reasonable settlement on divorce?
- NEWS: Yorkshire Post business profile: Chris Newton
- Newtons Acts in Multi-Million Pound Sale of Historic Home
- Newtons Solicitors Plant Over 250 Trees in Yorkshire
- Newtons Solicitors: Just Like You
- Newtons Solicitors’ Penrith Office | Anniversary
- Pension sharing in divorce settlements
- Personalised Property Law
- PODCAST: Are changing workplace attitudes surprising like Brexit and Donald Trump?
- Podcast: Employment law regarding workplace sickness
- PODCAST: Estella Prince talks to Stray FM about how the new speeding laws could affect you.
- Podcast: how we can help a business in distress
- PODCAST: James Towler talks to Stray FM about how Brexit may impact on businesses in Yorkshire
- PODCAST: Paul Hargreaves talks to Stray FM about the ‘gig’ ecomomy
- PODCAST: Paul Hargreaves, employment solicitor, talks to Stray FM about managing redundancy
- Podcast: Post BREXIT referendum – how’s the business landscape looking?
- PODCAST: Wind turbines – emerging business models for renewable energy
- Protecting your business in Divorce
- Protection for Cohabiting Couples
- Protest Against Holiday Boats on Grasmere
- Q&A with our Commercial Property Solicitor, Sally Robinson
- Quickie Divorces – No Such Thing!
- Read: Clare Presley’s profile, as featured in Your Local Link
- Read: The Great Divide – Sorting out Divorce Finances
- Read: what you can do to protect your house from care costs here
- Red Bull Future 50 Winner
- Resolving Common Commercial Property Disputes
- Respondent vs Applicant in Divorce
- Second business networking event for Darlington professionals
- Seller’s Guide to Selling a Business
- Serving and Responding to a Divorce Application
- Share Sale or Asset Sale?
- Should I Put My House in a Property Protection Trust?
- Social Media and Employment Law in the UK
- Stamp Duty and “Granny Flats”
- Stamp Duty and the Cupid Tax
- Supreme Court Rules: Employment Tribunal Fees Abolished
- Taking Issue with Issue Taking
- Taxation of employment termination payments
- The Conveyancing Process for Buyers: A Step-By-Step Guide
- The Dangers of Social Media for Businesses
- The Employment Tribunal Claims Process Explained
- The Importance of Free Wine: Wills, Probate and Expectations
- The President’s Club: Should scandal signal better protection?
- The Process of Disputing Parentage Explained
- The Stages of Divorce Explained
- The Virtual Law Firm
- Thinking about remortgaging your home?
- Thorp Parker Newtons help regeneration entrepreneur bring new restaurant to Middlesbrough
- Time Limits to Make Personal Injury Claims
- Time off for antenatal appointments – Fact sheet
- Together we can make a difference
- Tour de Newtons – our sponsored bike ride on 7th June 2014
- Trade Marks – Will registration give you protection or not?
- Travelling to work can count as working time
- Uber and the Employment Tribunal decision
- Unfair Dismissal Eligibility Explained
- Video: Alex Thompson explains how to go about contracting a building project to avoid disputes
- Watch: Are There Ways to Mediate Once Proceedings Have Begun? (Part Two)
- Watch: Can Disputes Be Resolved Through Mediation? (Part One)
- Watch: Commercial Property – how we work for you
- Watch: David Birks explains how you can protect your business against email scams
- Watch: Dispute Resolution – How we work for you.
- Watch: Helping employers and employees at each stage of the employment process
- Watch: How Long Does It Take to Deal with a Typical Court Claim?
- Watch: Is inheritance tax complicated? Elizabeth Whitaker discusses.
- Watch: Paul Hargreaves discusses Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Watch: Stephen Fallon discusses what is involved in taking a matter to court
- Watch: Tackling the removal of senior executives from a business explained by Paul Hargreaves
- Watch: The Role of the Private Client Team
- Watch: What happens if you don’t make a will?
- Watch: What happens to inheritance in divorce?
- Watch: What Is ‘Resolution’ in Family Law?
- Watch: What kind of restrictions can an employment contact contain?
- Watch: When would a solicitor get involved in a commercial property transaction? (part 1) James McEwen, commercial property team
- Watch: When would a solicitor get involved in a commercial property transaction? (part 2) James McEwen, commercial property team
- What Are Bereavement Damages?
- What Are The Dangers of Doing Your Own Will Online?
- What Do Children Want From Divorce?
- What does 2013 hold for the UK´s bribery law?
- What Does a Break Clause Mean in a Commercial Lease?
- What Does a Conveyancer Do and Do I Need One?
- What Does an Employment Contract Include?
- What Does Chain-Free Mean in Property Conveyancing?
- What Does the Bankruptcy Threshold Increase Mean For You?
- What does the Consumer Rights Act 2015 do?
- What Happens at a Coroner’s Inquest?
- What Happens on Completion Day?
- What happens to business assets in a divorce?
- What Help and Schemes Are Available for First-Time Buyers?
- What is a Child Arrangement Order?
- What is a Cohabitation Agreement in the UK?
- What is a Consent Order in a Divorce Settlement?
- What is a Notary Public?
- What Is a Prenup Agreement?
- What is a Shared Parenting Agreement and Should I Have One?
- What is a Shareholder’s Agreement and Do you Need One?
- What is Clinical Negligence?
- What is Mediation in Divorce?
- What is the Average Cost of a Divorce in the UK?
- What Is the Pre-Action Protocol for Professional Negligence Claims?
- What Legal Rights Do Unmarried Couples Have?
- What Rights Do Fathers Have if They’re Not on the Birth Certificate in the UK?
- What to Do If a Tenant Dies
- What to Do if an Executor Fails to Act
- What to Do If Your Commercial Tenant Is Not Paying Rent
- What You Need to Know Before Signing a Personal Guarantee
- What You Should Know About Dividing Pensions in Divorce
- What’s it Like Living in Harrogate?
- When you need us, we’re with you every step of the way.
- Who Gets the House in a Divorce?
- Why a new Settlement beats the old Compromise
- Why doesn’t the Duke of Westminster pay any Inheritance Tax?
- Why is Having a Will Important?
- Why you should think about using a Trust to provide for your family and save tax
- Wife’s claim for a pension sharing order fails
- Wills at a distance during Corona virus outbreak
- Writing An Employment Contract
- Your Complete Guide to Pet-Nups
Our People
- Abigail Noone
- Alison Brown
- Bethaney Rush
- Bill Neville
- Carolyn Greenwood
- Catherine Leftwich
- Chris Newton
- Claire Armer
- Dan Warwick
- Daniel Hilton
- Emma Beddoe
- Emma Wray
- Hayley Edwards
- Howard Cohen
- Howard Meynell
- Inderjit Gill
- Isobel Willoughby
- Jacqui Foley
- Jane Young
- Jennifer Kirkhope
- Jess Barrett
- Jess Early
- Judith Routledge
- Julie Fawcett
- Kate Watson
- Kelly Quinn
- Lindsey Jenkins
- Liz Balmforth
- Mark Jones
- Meryn Astwood
- Monika Williams
- Patrick Quigley
- Paul Hargreaves
- Rebecca O’Connell
- Ruth Cockshott
- Sarah Bell
- Sonia Hunter
- Sophie Barton
- Stephen Fallon
- Stephen Morgan
- Tom Fairclough
- Will Conway
- William Newton